Our technologies

- the dentistry of the 21st century

At Stomatologia Borowski, we combine qualifications, experience, empathy and the possibilities of new technologies to provide patients with the best dental care. In their daily work, our dentists use modern devices, thanks to which diagnostics and treatment are more effective, and the results are more predictable. As a result, we provide you with a safe path to a beautiful smile.

Learn about the technologies we use.

SmartOPTIC microscope

The operating microscope is an invaluable device in endodontic (root canal) treatment. The magnified vision provided by the microscope allows the doctor to work very precisely in a small treatment area, even 1 mm² in size, which allows:

  • undertaking treatment of teeth that would require removal without a microscopic diagnosis;
  • finding and treating tooth root canals and their branches, which in traditional treatment are often invisible to the doctor;
  • thorough cleaning and removal of all contaminants, old fillings and possible foreign bodies from the canal;
  • opening very narrow or completely closed root canals;
  • performing effective treatment in the case of very complicated or rare anatomy of the root canal system.

Endodontics (root canal treatment)

During endodontic (root canal) treatment, for machine widening of canals, we use devices from the renowned Japanese company Morita, working mainly with Fanta system tools. Devices for mechanical canal preparation are integrated with an endometer that allows for precise determination of their length and ensures safe operation.

3D Intraoral Scanner

A high-class intraoral scanner has a broad range of applications in prosthodontics, orthodontics, and implantology. Taking virtual impressions using this technology gives the patient a sense of comfort compared to traditional methods and shortens the time of visits to the dentist’s office and the time of making prosthetic restorations. Digital technologies enable very precise design and visualisation of planned works.

We also use taking impressions using an intraoral scanner for patients suffering from various types of masticatory system disorders, which allows us to perform perfect prosthetic work in these patients and also guarantees more accurate planning of implant treatment.

Carestream CS 8200 3D Tomograph

The 3D panoramic tomography device is the most technologically advanced computer tomography device available on the market:
  • photos taken with this camera are three-dimensional, which makes the diagnosis more complete and the doctor receives more information about the patient’s anatomy;
  • 3D photo technology allows you to practically avoid damage to sensitive structures such as nerves;
  • planning of the procedure is carried out using 3D technology, which allows for precise preparation of the treatment completely non-invasively, only in the computer’s memory, making the procedure itself half as long and safer for the patient.
3D pantomographic images are taken on site. Digital extraoral imaging technology enables full dental diagnostics by taking high-quality tomographic, pantomographic and fragmentary photos.

X-ray machine

In our Centre, we use a modern X-ray machine that enables full dental diagnostics. Digital extraoral imaging system enables to take high-quality pantomographic and periapical images, images of temporomandibular joints (TMJ), as well as images of maxillary sinuses. The radiation dose is nine times lower than that of a traditional photograph taken on x-ray film. The image made using this technique appears on the computer screen just 2 seconds after taking the photo, allowing it to be enlarged and a precise diagnosis made.

Melag autoclave

An autoclave is a modern dental device used for disinfection of dental tools through thermal and pressure treatment.


A visit to the dentist does not have to be associated with pain and suffering. Each dental procedure can be performed painlessly, using appropriate local anesthesia agents and techniques.

Analgosedation is available to patients, which increases the comfort of the surgical procedure. Anesthesia involves the slow, intravenous administration of anesthetics (painkillers) and sedatives, during which the patient does not fall asleep, but calms down. Additionally, the patient is anesthetised by administering local anesthetics to stop the pain. This type of anesthesia can last up to several hours – it is useful, for example, when making dental implants. Analgosedation is recommended for patients with dental phobia – a panic fear of the dentist.

Important: analgosedation is not a full general anesthesia.

