First visit

Learn how to prepare for it.

At the Borowski Center, our patients’ comfort is our priority. That is why we try to make them feel safe from the very first visit. If the thought of visiting the dentist makes you feel anxious and stressed out, we will try to change it. We will show you that dental treatment does not have to cause pain and fear, and can be carried out in a friendly, comfortable atmosphere. The first visit is primarily focused on diagnostics: the dentist will examine the oral cavity and check what treatment is needed, if any. Before the visit, it is necessary to complete a health questionnaire. Thanks to the answers to the questions asked, the dentist will be able to plan appropriate treatment. If you have documentation from previous dental treatment, also take it with you.

Documents to download

Zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami ustawy z 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych wszelkie informacje zawarte w kwestionariuszu objęte są ochroną danych osobowych. Dla nas liczą się Twoje bezpieczeństwo i komfort.

Do you have any further questions?

Write or call one of our clinics.

