Dental surgery

Surgical procedures in the oral cavity - dental surgeon at Stomatologia Borowski.

Take care of your dental health thanks to the possibilities of dental surgery. Get help with difficult extractions and preparation for specialized treatment.

Dental surgery includes tooth removal procedures, but our doctors’ attention is focused primarily on the tooth treatment process. The combination of surgical procedures with endodontic and periodontal treatment allows, among other things, the removal of cysts and the filling of missing bones with bone substitute materials.

What does the surgical treatment look like?

All procedures at our Center are performed under local anesthesia. Preparing for them involves 3 steps.

Medical Interview

The first step is a dental interview. It covers basic questions about the patient's health condition, ailments and treatment goals.

Examination of the oral cavity

The dentist carries out a diagnostic examination in the office to learn more about the patient's condition and decide on, for example, taking an X-ray.

Treatment plan

Based on the earlier stages, the dental surgeon develops an optimal treatment plan and presents it to the patient.

For us, your comfort comes first

At the Borowski Dental Centre, you can feel completely at ease.

Our doctors are top-class specialists who take care of patients in all aspects: they will patiently and thoroughly answer your questions, create a friendly atmosphere, properly prepare you for the procedure and carefully carry it out. They will take care of the health of your smile and your sense of comfort.
At our Center we have ideal conditions for dental surgery treatment. Advanced digital diagnostics allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image of the bones of the jaw, mandible, all teeth and maxillary sinus, and thus precisely plan treatment. We also provide post-treatment support, i.e. doctor’s recommendations and an additional follow-up visit to track the progress of recovery.

See what treatments we carry out:

Implant placement

Tooth extraction

Extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth

Open or closed curettage

(manual removal of tartar from the gingival pockets)

Undercutting the frenulum


(gum correction for further treatment)

Root apex resection

(removal of a fragment of the root of the tooth if it is not possible to clean it and fill it during endodontic treatment)

Our doctors

At the Borowski Dental Center, we provide comprehensive dental care for children, adults and seniors.

Price list

Surgical extraction - does not involve suturing the wound or anesthesiaPLN 300
Extraction of a loose tooth/baby toothPLN 175
Surgical extraction of a toothPLN 595
Surgical stitchingPLN 140
Removing the stitches and checking the woundPLN 0

Do you need a surgical procedure?

Schedule a consultation.

Would you like to cover the cost of the treatment in instalments?

At the Borowski Dental Center, patients can spread payment for procedures into convenient installments. For more information, please contact our reception desk – write to us, call or visit in person.
